

  • Before creating a YouTube channel, it is necessary to decide what content you want to distribute through the YouTube channel (image videos, interviews, current offers, virtual user training, etc.).
  • To customize your YouTube channel, you can change the background image and add a channel description under the Settings menu item. Moreover, the findability of videos can be ensured by assigning explicit tags related to YouTube video settings and content.
  • It is a good idea to use a unique title, a short description of the content and tags for each video. The short description should also include a link to the library's website.
  • After posting the first video, users should be notified of the YouTube presence on the home page, announcements on other social networks, or information at the local library. In addition to linking to a YouTube channel, this can be done by embedding the video on other social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. 
  • The company's own YouTube activity should be regularly monitored and evaluated, for example with the integrated analysis function. In this way, the interest of the target group in the respective video and the interest of the own YouTube channel can be determined. 


  • Upload videos created by the library and for which the library owns the rights 
  • Make creative, funny, or informative videos 
  • Follow trends
  • Try to appeal to multiple audiences in posting different content
  • Post video submissions that do not exceed three minutes
  • Assign unique titles, descriptions and hashtags for each video to ensure quick findability
  • Share and embed videos on other social media platforms
  • Vivid profile of the channel (banner, profile picture, linking to other social media channels, etc.)
  • Use comment function (answer comments as quickly as possible, act with benefit)
  • Use YouTube shorts (similar to TikTok, gain even more reach)


  • Subscribe to one's own YouTube channel
  • rate the videos of one's own institution positively 
  • post negative comments on other videos
  • Subscribe to YouTube channels that are only of private interest